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Exclusively Developed Products


Critical Alpha has a focus on developing simple, easy to use, risk management tools and products which are cost-effective, subscription-free, once-off payment, ready to use, compatible without the need to download additional software or carry out extensive training. In doing so, we are assisting our clients in reducing reporting timeframes, requirements for extensive software and hardware upgrades, and associated training costs when purchasing subscription based software.

Integrated Risk Register with Dashboard

Integrate your hazard management schedule with this risk register, which is designed to tie together all of your relevant data into one document. With real-time formula, you can quickly and easily see the residual risk at each location, and the status of the risk you are holding i.e Active, Pending, Overdue etc.

25% Off (Limited Time)
One-time payment (excl. GST)
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Bow Tie Analysis Smart Form

Simplify the way you manage risk, by visualising it on this exclusively developed (pdf) smart form. Its easy to use, professional look, will enable a quick and easy way of putting down which controls you have in place, and what the next moves are by your organisation to reduce the risk SFARP.

One-time payment (excl. GST)
Risk Assessment Smart Form (With Risk Control Plan)

Further simplify the way you manage risk by using our standard 1-pager risk assessment tool, designed to be easy to follow, quick and simple to implement. Its very straight forward in its use, designed for any computer, laptop, smart phone or i-pad/tablet. Teach your people that its easy to identify controls, and formulate improvement plans when there are no obvious controls available.

One-time payment (excl. GST)
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Enquire about our customised versions and solutions.


I've found that using the Integrated Risk Register has saved immense time both for my reporting, and also for my team who collate and input the data.

Edmond Kasparian


Project Scheduler

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About Us

Aaron Jones, Principle Consultant

With over a decade experience in the military aviation environment, working in Human Resources, Operations Management, Aviation Maintenance, and Engineering Management; Aaron brings a strong background in leadership and management at the tactical levels. Aaron has transferred his knowledge and experience from the ground-floor, to the boardroom, providing high-level consulting services to government agencies and small to medium enterprises.


Aaron works well one-on-one, and specialises in leading small teams, mentoring and coaching working-level, middle-managers and executive stakeholders. Aaron has great interpersonal skills, and also has a tact for developing strategy and implementation programs.


Critical Alpha was put together to create extra lift in teams who are struggling to perform. We do this by identifying and understanding where the barriers are limiting performance, and develop strategies with our client to remove these barriers - ultimately so that you can have a higher performing team with greater outcomes.


We are focussed on building meaningful relationships with our clients. We recognise that relationships are the basis for effective leadership. From our experience in the military aviation environment, we know that by simply taking a directive or authoritarian approach to leadership - you limit your effectiveness - when comparing to having deeper understanding of your teams, their motivations, and what their perception is.

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